1998-12-01 - message obtained through Martin
My children.
I am asking you, pray for my children, those who once did not know God's love and who got faith. They need your prayers, because God has put on them a cross which they did not so much know before and which is so heavy to be taken by them. God wanted to get them closer to Him and wants that they should know and love the cross but this makes them difficulties. That's why they need your prayers. Pray for them.
1998-12-03 - message obtained through Martin
My children.
When you look at the sky, you do not know where it's end is. Your hearts are deep also but you have to try that they should not be empty but let them be filled with love. In this Advent time you are preparing yourselves for Christmas that's why sweep your hearts and prepare them so Jesus could get born in them. However you will think about what is the most important thing in your hearts you will find out that the most important thing is, that love should dwell in you. Love which loves everyone love that will cuddle a beggar, love which will bring up despised one, which bends down to poor, crying, to feed and comfort them. The most important is love, my children, which brings joy with it, which never ends.
I love you.
Thank you that you have heard my call.
1998-12-06 - message obtained through Martin - prvá nedeľa
My Children, I value very much that you have come here. Children I want that every family would unite with a tie, a tie of love so it would get united. Let every house become a little cave, let your united hearts become a manger, so in this way Jesus could get born in your united hearts. He will bring you peace and your love will get bigger from one to another day.
Thank you that you have heard my call.
1998-12-10 - message obtained through Martin
My children.
I want you to deliberate and in your prayers meditate about the peace which this world can not give to you. But children, I do not want you only to deliberate but I want you to spread the peace by means of your deeds. Calm those who are absent-minded. Even with the help of talks spread out peace and calm people around you. Children, peace is as the sun which shines through always when the sin will go away, as the cloud goes away from the front of the sun. Carry out this message. I will help you and bless you for carrying out of it in all situations, mainly for you - those difficult ones.
Thank you for hearing my call.
1998-12-17 - message obtained through Martin
My children,
Even today the heaven opened it self and the Lord has permitted me to come today between you. Children, began to charge your lives with love, began with love, which brings with it joy. If you will learn to love indefinite the joy shall grow in you. You will rejoice even then when you will be in difficulties. For numerous people especially those who do not know Jesus it is difficult to grasp that. They do not know that only Jesus can make them happy. The love and joy will bring you to sainthood. Therefore love one another and rejoice. Rejoice because love, which was born in a crib, will be born again in your hearts.
Thank you, that you have heard my call.
1998-12-18 - message obtained through Martin
A message for the prayer group:
A thank you child that you spread my messages and I know what sort of difficulties it brings. But, please, remember my example, which I am offering to you. I was always quiet, listening servant of the Lord. When you will suffer, bring a quiet sacrifice to Lord. Accept every pain in silence. Do not grumble and do not want to change with all your might that what is happening. Accept everything with submission. You will see that in this way you will handle easier every situation. Children I do not want you to be silent about my messages, but I want you to be silent with love when you suffer.
1998-12-24 - message obtained through Martin
My children!
In this Christmas time you again open your hearts so Jesus will be born in them. Thank you, that you made sure so you would have your hearts clean and ready for my son. My son was born in poverty. He came near to poor and simple people. Therefore children you too when you will see miserable poor man help him. Give out love not only during Christmas, but through the whole year. I wish, so your hearts, which now permited my Son to be born in you, permited him to be born all the year round, so as you could carry him always in clean hearts. Let it be so , you would not forget this my request.
Thank you, that you have heard my call.
1998-12-31 - message obtained through Martin
My children!
I want to remind you to thank the Lord for everything and to beg him even for that that you would achieve to fulfill his will. Children, you are awaiting the arrival of the New Year. Try to be better and nicer to Lord in the New Year so the coming year would be better that that one which now ends. Children do not stop but fight for love, so it would henceforth abide in you. Do not stop yourselves on one spot, but strive for better spiritual life. May the Lord help you.
Thank you, that you have heard my call.