Nedeľné sv. omše

2001-04-05 - message obtained through Jozefa

My dear children,
     Shortly there will be Holy Confession in your parish. It is possible for you to clean you bodies and souls from sin. Heavenly Father redeems you in Holy Confession. He redeems your sins if you sincerely repent. He is immensely merciful. Do not be frightened to confess all your sins. Repent and your Heavenly Father will pardon you with joy. Pray for you to be able to confess all your sins.
     Thank you for listening to my call.

2001-04-08 - message obtained through Martin - prvá nedeľa

My children,
     I am full of joy that my children experienced peace with their God and accepted pardoning in Holy Confession. I call you today to open your hearts and join Jesus in his pain during Holy Friday. And when the Day of Resurrection will come have joy over Jesus Resurrection. And this joy let no one take away from you.
     Thank you for listening to my call.

2001-04-12 - message obtained through Jozefa

My dear children,
     During these days you remember the sacrifice and joyful resurrection of my Son and your Lord. He sacrificed Himself out of great love to you to save you and to secure your eternity. But you forget easily this great love of His. Open your hearts therefore to His love so that you might leave the path of sin. Leave the path of sin because your sins hurt my heart as well as the heart of my Son. Stop sinning and repent. Get rid of sins altogether.
     Thank you for listening to my call.

2001-04-19 - message obtained through Jozefa

My dear children,
     As flowers need the drops of rain for their growth so your hearts need peace. Your hearts are full of disquietude. They are filled with trouble and pain. If you have some problem, come to the Holy Communion and share your sorrow with my Son. Share all you troubles and pain and He will listen to you with love. He is waiting for you. Present yourselves to Him completely and He will fill you with peace and love. Trust God's mercy. Trust Mercy and God's love that your are showered with by Heavenly Father.
     Thank you for listening to my call.

2001-04-26 - message obtained through Jozefa

My dear children,
     Come with joy to Holy Communion. With Holy Communion Jesus Christ enters your hearts. But your hearts are closed to Him and He cannot live in them. Open your hearts to Jesus and allow Him to dwell there. Accept Holy Communion often and with joy because it brings Mercy to you. Allow Jesus Christ to enter your hearts.
     Thank you for listening to my call.