Nedeľné sv. omše

2002-05-02 - message obtained through Lucia

My children,
     I want to tell you today as I shared with you many times before messages on prayer. There are so many messages on praying because I want you to understand the depth and beauty of prayer. When you go to pray then start with calming your thoughts. You have them in turmoil during praying. Do not pray long at a time because then it is only your mouth that prays but you are not aware of what you are saying. Heavenly Father would be more pleased with a shorter prayer where you would ponder over each single word. It happens fairly often that praying makes you tired and it even bores you. It is because you cannot ponder deep into your prayer. If you tried it though and were successful at it then you would surely look forward to the time of prayer. I want you to understand that praying is a talk with your Heavenly Father. Think whether Heavenly Father does not want to be in a friendly contact with you. You are able to talk long and about anything with your friend and you are not bored or want to leave him. Make it a habit to share everything with your Heavenly Father. Be sure that never ever will Heavenly Father push you away whatever you are like. You will always find His help and love. After some time you will find out that you do not find a more trustworthy friend. I am telling you once again, my children, to pray more sincerely. Sincere praying needs more exertion, it hides great beauty and glory. Pray with joy. Regular praying will strengthen you in your daily hardship. Let there be no single day without your praying.
     Thank you for listening to my call.

2002-05-05 - message obtained through Martin - prvá nedeľa

My dear children,
     I invite you today to a steady prayer so that through praying Jesus could light your light in you. Try every day to understand and fulfil Gods Will. Many times you wish to fulfil your own will but then you spread around you only turmoil, hardship and even denser darkness. Let you become light for others who would be able through you to learn God's Love.
     Thank you for listening to my call.

2002-05-09 - message obtained through Lucia

My beloved children,
     I come to you today to tell you the following: Today again you celebrate the feast of Ascension Day. Try hard to understand its great mystery. You think that this feast is not very important for you. If you pondered over this great event you would experience a deep and clear joy. Lord Jesus during His earthly life experienced many difficulties that you know from your daily experience. He was not exempt from anything although He is the Son of God. Suffering accompanied Him from the very beginning. He was rejected by many in Bethlehem and he was born at a poor and deserted place. After some time I had to go to Egypt with St Joseph to save Him from angry Herod. Herod would have killed Him but He had a great aim to fulfil in His life, which He was sent to fulfil by His Heavenly Father. Gods All-mightiness arranged it so that St Joseph got a warning from the Angel to go to Egypt so that Jesus would be spared a premature death. He met with a very tough rejection during the days when He went out to teach the multitudes. Rejection was crowned by His crucifixion. Was this He deserved for all the good He did to all people to be crucified on the cross as the last criminal? He accepted all with meekness, peace and love. In this great suffering His belief strengthened Him that His Father is righteous and that He would be rewarded for everything. He knew He would be resurrected from the dead and he would ascend to heaven to His beloved Father. Heavenly Father prepared in the heavens everlasting throne at His right side. Your Heavenly Father through Jesus accepted you as His children. Therefore try to live the whole of your life in the manner that after your death you would be worthy of Heavenly Father honouring you as He did His only son. Rejoice over your vocation in great hope. Let your belief prompt you do only good so that you are worthy of it after your death. I love you.
     Thank you for answering my call.

2002-05-16 - message obtained through Lucia

My children,
     Today I descend the Heavens again to tell you the following: Holy Church celebrates on annual basis every important event from the life of Jesus. On Sunday there will be the feast of Descent of Holy Spirit. It is a great feast. You still cannot ponder deep over the mysteries of faith in Jesus Christ. You do not try to experience deeply and truthfully the mysteries of belief in Jesus Christ. You know what happened recently in the Holy Church. Lord Jesus granted the Holy Spirit to His disciples. You believe it happened but the words of Holy Spirit do not mean too much for any of you. You pray daily so that Jesus would award you Holy Spirit. You need it badly these days for you to understand the task you were called to fulfill in your life. Holy Spirit is to live in you always and direct you to know what to do and think and how to behave. If all people in the world were under the influence of the Holy Spirit, there would not be so much of hatred, lack of peace and love many time for tidbits only. Pray sincerely so that Lord Jesus might grant you Holy Spirit. With His help you will master all the difficulties of your daily life. Thank you for listening to my call.

2002-05-23 - message obtained through Lucia

My children,
     I come to you today to tell you that on Sunday there will be the feast of the Holy Trinity. You are christened in the name of the Holy Trinity. Thank to your Heavenly Father for the great mercy in your becoming His children. Lord God through Jesus Christ accepted you as His children and therefore you may address Him Father. You still cannot fully experience the fact that the most noble being the world comes from and is dependent on might be addressed your Father. If you could experience it only once you would be extremely happy. When you feel lonely and abandoned let understanding help you that Heavenly Father watches over you and protects you. Never forget the great love of Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus and my own to you all. We love you tremendously.
     Thank you for listening to my call.

2002-05-30 - message obtained through Lucia

My children,
     I come today to tell you the following: You celebrate the feast of the Body and Blood of Jesus. Every day be grateful to Jesus to offer you Holy Eucharist. It is the worthiest gift He left to you. As much as you eat daily to sustain your worldly life so much start on regular basis to come to the sacrament of reconciliation and to the Lords table. Beware of sins so that you might accept the holy sacrament daily. He will strengthen you so that you might the following day go through everything with ease. If you are in a continual connection with Jesus and you let Him lead you the whole daylong you will sure come to heavens directly after your death.
     Everybody seeks happiness in earnest. They are willing to do anything to be happy. Worldly happiness lasts only a certain time and withers away. Heavenly joy is eternal. Live the quality so that you are plentifully rewarded. If you have one aim in front of you, the life eternal, it is only fit that during your worldly life you accept different hardships. I love you and share each message with you in love. Love succeeds in doing great deeds if only Man subordinates.
     Thank you for listening to my call.